
MSS Regional Meet June 2022

MSS leaders of Mayurbhanj, Balasore, and Jagatsinghpur districts met on June 19th 2022 for their annual meeting  at kakbandh, Mayurbhanj, UNNAYAN field Office. After giving an overview of Mahila Shanti Sena (MSS), Rashi Mohanti of Unnayan invited participants to list main problems in their areas as they saw them. She described the MMS way of solving problems: (1) unite the women in their areas, train them, and together take small steps toward solving the problems. Participants acknowledged that indeed they had the power to solve many of the problems themselves. They formed several committees, one for each panchayat, each committee consisting of 2 to 4 members. A decision was made to work on 5 problem areas this year: domestic violence, addiction, education, environment, and various developmental work. 

This is a translated summary of the original Odia report provided to SEEDS by Unnayan. SEEDS is proud of the work of the MSS women solving local problems on the ground, bottom up.

MSS Regional Meet June 2022
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